
Find out more about the different training modules, offered by the DAAD Kairo Akademie. The training activities of the DKA take place in the framework of five different topics: Management for Higher Education, Communication, Teaching, Research as well as Institutional Development for institutions of higher education.

For inquiries about the availability of a certain module, kindly send an email to the DAAD Kairo Akademie:

Management for Higher Education

Strategic Leadership

Trainer: Heba Selim

Language of Instruction: English

Duration: One day

Target Group: Managers & Leaders of groups / Heads of Functions


  • Definition of Leadership
  • Styles of Leadership and best practices
  • Learn from the Masters of Leadership (case studies)
  • Key skills of leadership (Building a team, motivating a team towards achieving organizational goals and vision)
  • Creating values & alignment with organizational code of ethics
  • Problem Solving and building trust

Learning Outcome

By end of workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what is leadership, and best style of leadership
  • Learn key skills of leadership
  • Be aware of best practices
  • Come up with an action plan for themselves of how to apply concepts in workshop

Trainer Profile

© Heba Selim

Heba Selim is a Management Consultant and Trainer with 25 years of experience in training in communication and soft skills including management and leadership skills.


Pre-Empting and Managing Conflict

Trainer: Selim, Heba Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: One day (9:00am-4:00pm)

Module Code: C-04


Participants will be introduced to reasons of conflict in the work place and strategies to pre-empt conflict before it happens. On the other hand, it will also address existing conflict through understanding one self and understanding behavioural styles of others. Participants will be introduced to problem solving and creative thinking and they will be asked to apply them by coming up with an action plan out of the box of how they will apply knowledge in workshop to avoid future conflict and to address existing ones.

Training Methods

Presentation of theoretical part, exercises, open discussions, self assessment, case studies, group work and action plan

Learning Outcome

  1. tools and strategies to help them  pre-empt conflict
  2. tools and tactics to address existing conflict
  3. Understanding of their role in changing status quo by applying self awareness, problem solving & creative thinking
  4. Application of concepts by creating an action plan to walk the talk

Trainer Profile

© Heba Selim

Heba Selim is a Management Consultant and Trainer with 25 years of experience in training in communication and soft skills including management and leadership skills.

Strategic Planning as Core to Strategic Management

Trainer: Selim, Heba

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Senior and Middle Management

Duration: One Day (09:00-15:00)


  • What is Strategic Management?
  • Why Strategic Planning?
  • Difference between Strategic Planning and Operational Planning
  • Steps of Strategic Planning ( Role Play / Application step by step on their corresponding institution )
    1. Mission
    2. Vision
    3. Situation Analysis ( PESTEL & SWOT )
    4. Strategic Goals
    5. Strategic Objectives
    6. Strategic Tactics, timeline & budget
    7. Evaluation to be able to use technology to build their digital question banks.

Learning Outcome

By the end of the workshop participants should be able to:

  • Understand what is strategic management and its importance
  • Learn the steps of strategic planning
  • Apply steps of strategic planning to their organization ( briefly )

Organizational Remarks

Trainer need vision, mission and strategic goals of any of
participants organizations prior to workshop

Trainer Profile

© Heba Selim

Heba Selim is a Management Consultant and Trainer with 25 years of experience in training in communication and soft skills including management and leadership skills.

Pre-Empting and Managing Conflict

Trainer: El-Tobgui, Mona Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-5pm)

Module Code: ID-06


This module is intended to be an introduction to project management. The primary objective is to acquaint participants with a basic overview of project management, and the role of a project manager throughout the processes of managing projects. The module provides the basics and core methodology needed to manage projects or participate on project teams.

Though the module does not involve any project management software application, but instead the participants will learn how to use project management techniques to plan, organize, control, document, and close out their projects successfully and with minimum risk.

Learning Outcome

  • Define the phases of the Project Management Life Cycle and a project manager’s role in each phase
  • List and discuss basic project success criteria and common reasons for project failure
  • Apply techniques for setting up a strong project team
  • Apply techniques for planning and sequencing project activities
  • List the cost elements that should be included in a project budget
  • Identify key elements of project management communications and reporting tools
  • Discuss key activities of project close-out

Organizational Remarks

Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through group discussions, interactive sessions, role playing if time allows
  • Self reflection and brainstorming

Necessary Tools:

Data show, laptop, flipchart, soft board, flash cards, pins, blank papers, pens, markers, glue, scotch tape

Trainer Profile

© El Tobgui

Mona Mohamed El Tobgui is an assistant Professor at the National Research Centre and the Senior Advisor of Fraunhofer in Egypt.

Leading Teams

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-5pm)

Module Code: C-13


Participants will be aware of their own leadership style and sensitized for other styles. This will help them to recognize team member strengths easily and integrate them effectively in a team. Teambuilding activities will guide them through the different stages of group development. After each stage they will reflect their motivation and problem and conflict solving skills. Also they will examine the role of the leader in each stage. Furthermore, they will be given useful hints how to build and develop a high performance team.

Learning Outcome

  • Be aware of your leadership style, motivation and problem and conflict solving skills
  • Recognize team member strengths
  • Understand team dynamics and development
  • Know how to support your team in the different stages of the group development process

Organizational Remarks

Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more

Trainer Profile

© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.

Leading in Times of Change

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day – Six Hours

Module Code: C-11


This workshops aims to develop and combine your leadership, change management and communication skills in order to succeed and push change through in your organization, department or team. You’ll explore different leadership styles and when to use them. Also, you’ll get to know how to apply the 8-step-process of organizational change and learn how to communicate change effectively to staff resisting it by using conversational change techniques.

Learning Outcome

  • Know different leadership styles and how to apply them appropriately
  • Know how to create a change culture in your organization, department or team and lead others successfully through challenging times
  • Be able to use advanced communication skills for results, support and motivation of others

Organizational Remarks

Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more

Trainer Profile

© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a Diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.


Self Marketing

Trainer: Salama, Heba Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: C-08


This module defines self marketing and explains why it is important in the career. It explains the different components of a successful self marketing (resume – motivation letter – self introduction – interview – networking). Participants will learn how to utilize one’s own strength points and, thus, improve their self marketing skills.

Learning Outcome

  • Structure and design own resume according to the international standards
  • Write a convincing motivation / cover letter
  • Introduce themselves clearly and effectively
  • Identify own strength points / individual character
  • Recognize the importance of networking and benefit from their own networks
  • Deal with difficult/sudden situations during an interview

Organizational Remarks

Necessary tools:

  • Data show + laptop
  • Flip-chart + paper sheets
  • Pin board + cards
  • White board + colored markers

Trainer Profile

© Heba Salama

Dr. Heba Salama is a DAAD-Alumna employed as Associate Professor of Crop Science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University. Currently, she is the president of the communication and international relations office at her faculty.

Self Management

Trainer: Salama, Heba Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-4pm)

Module Code: C-09


This module defines and explains the different elements of self-management and links them to the successful career. Participants will learn how to set their own priorities & manage their time & resources effectively. They will also know how to utilize one’s own abilities & strength points, at the same time overcome their personal barriers and, thus, improve their self-management skills. In addition, they will practice developing a planning strategy that fit their needs.


  • State why efficient self-management is very important for a successful career move.
  • Define & set own priorities.
  • Manage the risk of time & resources, & learn some anti-procrastination strategies.
  • Identify personal barriers & supports.
  • Develop an individually tailored planning strategy.


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions & exercises, interactive sessions, role playing and more.

Necessary tools:

  • Data show + laptop
  • Flip-chart + paper sheets
  • Pin board + cards
  • White board + colored markers


© Heba Salama

Dr. Heba Salama is a DAAD-Alumna employed as Associate Professor of Crop Science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University. Currently, she is the president of the communication and international relations office at her faculty.

Pre-Empting and Managing Conflict

Trainer: Taha, Mohamed Mr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours)

Module Code: C-05


This course introduces and applies the basic skills of analyzing information. Attention is given especially to scientific thinking skills, problem solving, observation, analysis, making inferences, interpretation, and argumentation in reading, oral and written expression.


  • Apply the steps of scientific method to solve a problem
  • Make scientific observations
  • Describe observations
  • Distinguish between positive and negative connotations
  • Distinguish among observations, facts, opinions, inferences, and assumptions
  • Make inferences from premises
  • Recognize good arguments
  • Detect faulty arguments
  • Report on how to provide a hypothesis for a given problem in any field of study
  • Analyze information gathered to confirm or reject a hypothesis


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, studies, role playing, etc.
  • Self-reflection and application from a business perspective

Necessary tools:

  • Data show
  • laptop
  • flipchart
  • soft board
  • flash cards
  • pins
  • blank papers
  • pen
  • markers
  • glue
  • scotch tape


© Mohamed Taha

Mohamed Taha has been working in the field of capacity building for more than 20 years. He is an international trainer who delivers different academic and business related training modules in GUC, DHBW in Germany, DAAD Cairo, and TU-berlin Elgouna Campus.

Public Speaking Skills

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours)

Module Code: C-01


Participants get to know a variety of rhetorical techniques to consider in preparation of presentations or speeches. Additionally, they explore the basic components of communication and how to integrate them effectively in their delivery of presentations or speeches. They get tips how to deal effectively with disturbances and to overcome stage fright. Last but not least, they have the chance to deliver an extract of their own presentation or speech and get a feedback.


  • Understand the basic components of communication
  • Integrate rhetorical techniques effectively in the preparation and delivery of your presentation or speech
  • Learn how to deal with disturbances and overcome stage fright
  • Discover your potential to deliver memorable and unique presentations or speeches


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical Inputs and Presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more

Necessary tools:

Data show, laptop, flip chart, soft board, flash cards, pins, blank papers, pens, markers, glue, scotch tape


© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.

Presentation Skills

Trainer: Selim, Heba Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: C-06


  • Perception
  • The 4 P’s (Plan, Prepare, Practice & Present)
  • Communication : The 3 V’s (Verbal, Vocal & Visual)
  • Mastering Body Language
  • Handling Difficult Questions
  • Case Studies / Videos
  • Persuasion
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Role Play


  • Understand  & manage perception
  • Learn the theoretical components of Presentation Skills – the 4P’s
  • Learn how to manage the stage
  • Learn from practice  in a safe environment
  • Identify all blind spots (areas of development) from feedback
  • Learn the art of rhetoric / persuasion


Training Methods:

Presentation of theoretical part, exercises, open discussions, self assessment, case study, group work and action plans

For presentation part needed :

  • Data show + screen
  • Remote control to switch input from computer to video and vice versa
  • 5 Flip charts + flip chart paper
  • Flip chart pens (to match number of participants in 4 different colours + 2)
  • Block notes and pens


© Heba Selim

Heba Selim is a Management Consultant and Trainer with 25 years of experience in training in communication and soft skills including management and leadership skills.

Leading Teams

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-5pm)

Module Code: C-13


Participants will be aware of their own leadership style and sensitized for other styles. This will help them to recognize team member strengths easily and integrate them effectively in a team. Teambuilding activities will guide them through the different stages of group development. After each stage they will reflect their motivation and problem and conflict solving skills. Also they will examine the role of the leader in each stage. Furthermore, they will be given useful hints how to build and develop a high performance team.


Be aware of your leadership style, motivation and problem and conflict solving skills

  • Recognize team member strengths
  • Understand team dynamics and development
  • Know how to support your team in the different stages of the group development process


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more


© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.

Effective Cooperation in Teams

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-5pm)

Module Code: C-11


Teamwork happens whenever a group of people works together towards a common goal. Herein each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group. While the person is still important, teamwork goes beyond the accomplishments of each individual. In this active workshop experience how teamwork evolves; and how you, as an individual, fulfill your role within the team to accomplish the goal.


  • Understand your team role and the team roles of others in order to accomplish the goal
  • Experience and be able to identify the different stages of the team development process
  • Develop mutual understanding and support in cooperation with others
  • Be sensitized for your own attitude and behavior working with others and the effect on teamwork


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more


© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a Diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.

Effective Communication in Teams

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (09:00-16:00)

Module Code: C-10


While most of us believe we are good in communication, and
in most cases we are, then why as a team we face multiple miscommunications? Poor communication between team members
is a major factor for teams to fail and can lead from unnecessary tension via anxiety through to conflicts amongst team members.

In this active workshop you will gain useful insight on yourcommunication patterns and behavior styles. The game based practice of basic communication techniques, such as active listening, giving and receiving instructions or feedback, etc. help you to get better results in the work with others and enhance the information flow in your team.


  • Analyse your communication style and know how to communicate effectively with people of other styles
  • Develop mutual understanding and clearer communication to facilitate the cooperation with other team members
  • Improve your questioning and listening skills
  • Know how to give and receive constructive feedback for better work results


© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a Diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.

Leading in Times of Change

Trainer: Achrainer, Christian Mr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: C-03


We engage in debates every day and in almost all aspects of life, be it private, social, or professional. Thereby, it is often challenging to persuade others. During the workshop, participants will be provided with techniques and skills to become more convincing. Firstly, we will discuss how to formulate and illustrate an argument by, amongst others, using data, examples, or emotions. Secondly, we will bring arguments in a meaningful order. Thirdly, we will round up the line of argumentation by discussing good opening and closing strategies.

Please note: The focus of the workshop is NOT on written, scientific argumentation (e.g. in academic papers). Nevertheless, several of the discussed techniques can also be applied for this purpose.


  • illustrate an argument and formulate a statement
  • structure an argumentation line
  • effectively prepare for debates
  • take part in debates with more self-confidence
  • convince others of their own position


© Christian Achrainer

Christian Achrainer is a Cairo-based freelance consultant and lecturer. Before he moved to Egypt in 2015, he worked as a researcher within the German Council on Foreign Relations’ (DGAP) Middle East and North Africa Program.

Dealing with Change

Trainer: Drewes, Sonja Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-4pm)

Module Code: C-12


  • Meaning of change
  • Coping with fear and resistance
  • The stages of the change process
  • Facing future changes


Participants understand the meaning of change and the stages of the change process
They reflect on changes in their lives and learn how to cope effectively with future changes
They develop strategies to face the challenges of change


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more


© Sonja Drewes

Sonja Drewes holds a Diploma in Arabic Language and International Management. Beside her longstanding working experience she was trained as Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Occupational Test User.


AI in Higher Education

AI In Higher Education DKA Course Description 2023

Name of the trainer: Yasmin Youssef
Language of instruction English
This module is part of the further training program: To be left open
Date: Starting October 2023
Duration: 1 day 5 hours or 2 days 3 hours with more hands-on practice
Target group:  Faculty members, lecturers, TAs, Instructors, Teachers
Content: The workshop training course is designed specifically for faculty members and academics who are eager to explore the vast potential of AI tools in the realm of higher education.

Throughout this interactive course, we will delve into practical activities and provide valuable insights into the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in teaching and learning. The course was designed according to the UNESCO framework and guidelines for AI in education.


Learning outcome: In this course, participants will:


Ø  Understand the fundamentals of AI and its applications in higher education and discuss key Myths and facts about GenAI


Ø  Identify limitations and capabilities of AI tools.



Ø  Explore various AI tools and technologies relevant to teaching and learning.


Ø  Develop practical skills in utilizing AI tools to enhance lecture activities and student engagement.



Ø  Encourage critical reflection and dialogue on the social and ethical implications of AI in education and responsible use of AI in education.


Ø  Provide faculty members with practical guidance on integrating AI into their teaching practices effectively and ethically.


Ø  Gain Prompt Engineering skills for Educators


Ø  Learn how to use prompts for lesson planning, personalize learning, tailor feedback to rubrics, and pose questions that stimulate higher-order thinking skills.


Ø  Apply a Framework for AI Co-Creation in Pedagogy and Identify teacher roles and competencies for the ethical use of AI in education.


Ø  Understand the fundamentals of AI and its applications in higher education and discuss key Myths and facts about GenAI


Ø  Identify limitations and capabilities of AI tools


Ø  Explore various AI tools and technologies relevant to teaching, learning, and academic research.


Ø  Develop practical skills in utilizing AI tools to enhance lecture activities and student engagement.


Ø  Encourage critical reflection and dialogue on the social and ethical implications of AI in education and responsible use of AI in education.


Ø  Provide faculty members with practical guidance on integrating AI into their teaching practices effectively and ethically.


Ø  Gain Prompt Engineering Skills for Educators.


Ø  Learn how to use prompts for lesson planning, personalize learning, tailor feedback to rubrics, and pose questions that stimulate higher-order thinking skills


Ø  Apply a Framework for AI Co-Creation in Pedagogy and Identify teacher roles and competencies for the ethical use of AI in education


Ø  Learn how to foster a culture of ethical and responsible innovation in AI for teaching and learning, such as by promoting transparency, accountability, privacy, security, and human-centered design principles.


Ø  Encourage faculty members to explore the potential of AI for innovative and interdisciplinary research


Ø  Learn how to foster a culture of ethical and responsible innovation in AI for teaching and learning, such as by promoting transparency, accountability, privacy, security, and human-centered design principles.


Ø  Encourage faculty members to explore the potential of AI for innovative and interdisciplinary research



Learning outcomes:


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

– Understand the fundamentals of AI and its applications

– Identify limitations and capabilities of AI tools

– Familiarize themselves with existing Generative AI tools for teaching, learning, and academic research.

– to select the right AI tools relevant to teaching and learning a specific subject.

–  Develop awareness about the social and ethical implications of AI in education and responsible use of AI in education.

– utilizing AI tools to enhance lecture activities and student engagement.


– to use effective prompts for lesson planning, personalize learning, tailor feedback to rubrics, and pose questions that stimulate higher-order thinking skills

– foster a culture of ethical and responsible innovation in AI for teaching and learning, such as by promoting transparency, accountability, privacy, security, and human-centered design principles.

Organisational remarks For active participation using a laptop with a reliable internet connection is preferred
Information about the trainer: Yasmin Youssef is currently the executive director of a non-profit organization (Modern Foundation for Development and Education Improvement) short-MDE, a certified education & ICT expert for interactive education technology, an internal Assessor for the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), and an AdA in-Company Trainer Examiner at the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce AHK, evaluating In-Company trainers’ performance in Dual vocational education systems outside Germany. She is a lecturer for master students at the German Excellence Centre at the faculty of pedagogy, Ain Shams University, and is working for the DAAD Academy in Cairo as a certified trainer for higher education in the field of digital transformation and e-learning. She obtained her master’s degree in “International Education Management” from both PH-Ludwigsburg/Germany and Helwan University/Cairo and got her pedagogical teaching Diploma from Berlin in 2008 after working as a German language instructor at the Goethe Institute in Cairo. During that time, she was able to enrich her knowledge by taking part in different training courses related to interactive technology and e-learning in Europe. Her professional experience in education was gained through many positions as head of the department in educational institutions and several years of managing an e-learning consultant team in the corporate sector training educational leaders and supporting the digital transformation of educational institutions. Yasmin wrote many research and conference papers in this field and has published her book in Germany about Blended learning models and reforming education in Egypt. Yasmin Youssef is the CEO and Co-Founder of Eduminds-Consulting, a certified education & ICT expert for interactive education technology, an internal Assessor for the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), and a lecturer for master students at the German Excellence Center at the faculty of pedagogy in Ain Shams University. She obtained her master’s degree in “International Education Management” from both PH-Ludwigsburg/Germany and Helwan University/Cairo and got her pedagogical teaching Diploma from Berlin in 2008 after working as a German language instructor at the Goethe Institute in Cairo. During that time, she was able to enrich her knowledge by taking part in several training courses related to interactive technology and e-learning in Europe. Her professional experience in education was gained through several years of managing an e-learning consultant team in the corporate sector and holding several positions as head of department in educational institutions. Yasmin wrote many research and conference papers in this field and has recently published her book in Germany about” Blended Learning and Reforming Education in Egypt”. She is currently studying for her PhD in “Computational social science” in the faculty of economics and political science, Cairo University


Self Marketing

Trainer: Youseff, Yasmin

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Faculty members, Lecturers, TA’s, Instructors, Teachers

Duration: One Day; 5-6 hours


The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges and caused disruption across the Higher Education sector. While Hybrid and Hybrid-(flexible) or “HyFlex” teaching learning environments show great potential in higher education, there are still pedagogical and technical challenges to overcome. Among the pedagogical and technological challenges from a teacher’s perspective are the need to adapt their teaching approach while maintaining comparable learning standards continuing learning on how to work with new technologies and learning platforms; understanding and evaluating their opportunities and constraints; and higher requirements to coordination from the lecturer to pay attention and accommodate the needs of both co-hosts on-campus and remote. The course helps teachers, faculty members & lecturers to create the same kind of connection they had before with their students and provides them with the best effective practices as they blend their classrooms competently, and assess their students using online assessment strategies.


In this course participants will:

  • Discuss challenges and opportunities for teaching in hybrid classrooms.
  • Compare different kinds of synchronous and asynchronous virtual experiences.
  • Differentiate between practices in virtual classrooms and traditional classrooms.
  • Practice how to structure, develop and write effective learning objectives.
  • Align outcomes, activities & assessments.
  • Get insight about basic instructional design concepts in virtual classrooms & pedagogic principles.
  • Review elements of virtual classroom.
  • Apply a pedagogical framework for managing remote learning.
  • Identify teacher skills and competencies.

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Define different blended learning models and implementation concepts.
  • Familiarize themselves with existing elements and interactive functions of the virtual classroom.
  • Differentiate between different types of synchronous and asynchronous virtual experiences.
  • Use effective teaching strategies to increase student engagement in a Hybrid and Hyflex learning environment.
  • Implement didactical-methodical principles in the virtual classroom.
  • Use communication and collaboration techniques in synchronous and asynchronous platforms and tools.
  • Familiarize themselves with the necessary skills and competencies needed in Hybrid / Hyflex teaching environments.


For active participation in the break out rooms, using a Laptop is preferred.


© Yasmin Youssef

Yasmin Youssef is the CEO and Co-Founder of Eduminds-Consulting, a certified education & ICT expert for interactive education technology, an internal Assessor for the European foundation for quality management (EFQM), and a lecturer for master students at the German Excellence Center at the faculty of pedagogy in Ain Shams University. She is currently studying her PhD in “Computational social science” in the faculty of economics and political science, Cairo University.

University Exams and Digital Question Banks

Trainer: Sharaf, Rasha Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: One Day (09:00-15:00)


Exams and question banks development is a basic academic activity and an essential component of the learning process. Its main purposes are to encourage student learning, to make judgements about student achievement, and to monitor effectiveness of the learning environment.
Different methods of assessment provide the means of ensuring that students can demonstrate the range of their abilities in different situations. Hence, it has become strictly essential that faculty members at Egyptian universities possess related knowledge and skills that enable them design authentic examinations that verify the intended learning outcomes of the academic program and courses.  They should also be able to use technology to build their digital question banks.


By the end of the workshop participants should be able to:

  • Analyse exams against course ILOs
  • Identify basic functions and associated outcomes of the examination process
  • Design an exam using different questioning techniques
  • Evaluate and rate an exam against set of criteria
  • Develop a computer-based / Online question bank


  • PowerPoint presentation and handouts for presentation
  • Worksheets, group work, role play, case studies and posters for active engagement of participants
  • Laptop, data show, flipcharts, flashcards and markers are needed


© Rasha Sharaf

Dr. Rasha Saad Sharaf is an associate Professor of International and Comparative Education and Education Administration at Helwan University. She is a certified trainer from the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), Lisbon, Portugal.

Learning Through Projects

Trainer: Tahoun, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Teaching Staff

Duration: One Day (09:00-16:00)


Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time on a project about an authentic, engaging question, problem or challenge. It combines key knowledge with essential skills like problem solving, communication and collaboration and self-management.

The module describes the concept and the goals/ benefits of this approach, demonstrates a model of a course based on PBL and enables the participants to adapt this model and design a course in their own field using suitable activities they have learned during the module.


The participants

  • get to know the concept of Project Based Learning and the essential Project Design elements
  • become acquainted with the framework of PBL and different PBL activities
  • are able to design a course/ teaching unit based on PBL


© Riham Tahoun

Dr. Riham Abdalla Ahmed Tahoun is working as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts – Helwan University.

Self Management

Trainer: Tahoun, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Post Docs

Duration: One Day (09:00-15:00)


Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time on a project about an authentic, engaging question, problem or challenge. It combines key knowledge with essential skills like problem solving, communication and collaboration and self-management.

The module describes the concept and the goals/ benefits of this approach, demonstrates a model of a course based on Project Based Learning (PBL) in Blended Learning Format and enables the participants to adapt this model and design a course in their own field using suitable online programs and activities they have learned during the module.


  • get to know the concept of Project Based Learning and the essential Project Design elements
  • become acquainted with the framework of PBL
  • are able to design a course/ teaching unit based on PBL in Blended Learning Format


© Riham Tahoun

Dr. Riham Abdalla Ahmed Tahoun is working as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts – Helwan University.

Taking Your Class Online

Trainer: Sharaf, Rasha Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: 6 hours


  • Online teaching skills.
  • Common software used for online teaching and their potentials.
  • Online teaching strategies.
  • Active learning approaches in online teaching and learning.
  • Student follow-up and evaluation in e-learning.


  • Identify needed resources for running an online classroom
  • Design an online classroom plan
  • Develop offline lectures
  • Apply online interactive lessons
  • Follow-up students’ progress using online tools
  • Manage large numbers of students in Online teaching


Participants need:

  • Reliable internet access
  • Computer devices (laptops – tablets – mobile phones)
  • Software and applications to be downloaded and installed (Zoom – Google Classroom – PowerPoint…)


© Rasha Sharaf

Dr. Rasha Saad Sharaf is an associate Professor of International and Comparative Education and Education Administration at Helwan University. She is a certified trainer from the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), Lisbon, Portugal.

Academic Research Skills

Trainer: Bahi, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates

Duration: One Day (09:00-15:00)


This workshop aims at equipping participants with necessary academic skills, such as reading, writing, presentation and research skills. These skills are essential for their research work. Topics covered include: timed reading, note-taking, paraphrasing, proper citation, writing for publishing.


  • Read articles/books fast and strategically
  • Communicate ideas clearly in different written and oral format
  • Avoid serious violations such as plagiarism that could jeopardize written work
  • Know the characteristics of a good, publishable paper.


Training methods: Presentation of theoretical part, exercises, open discussions, self-assessment, case study, group work and action plans.


© Riham Bahi

Dr. Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.



Name of the trainer:
Prof. Dr. Galal H. Galal-Edeen

Language of instruction
This module is part of the further training programme:

Date:To be left open

Target group:
Academic teaching and research staff and senior research students

1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-4pm)

1. Types of research proposals.
2. The research funding call.
3. The characteristic of a winning proposal.
4. Preparing to write a proposal: what are the steps?
5. Working with a team to develop a proposal.
6. What happens after submission?
7. Editorial matters

Learning outcome:
By the end of the module, participants will be able to:
a. Explain the concept of a competitive research proposal.
b. Identify the main characteristics of a winning proposal.
c. Identify the main reasons for proposal non-acceptance.
d. Explain the various sections of a typical competitive research proposal.
e. Plan effectively for generating a good research proposal.
f. Appreciate the importance of paying close attention to the call for research funding proposal.
g. Value early planning and acting for writing a proposal
Organisational remarks

Training methods include:
Presentations; Group work & case studies; Discussions & interactive Sessions.

Tools: The usual training tools of flip chart stand and papers, board. Markers, flash cards, magnets, sticky tape, etc. are required.

Information about the trainers:
Galal Hassan Galal-Edeen is a professor of Information Systems Engineering at Cairo University, and The American University in Cairo. He served as Head of Department, Vice Dean and University Chair on Innovation. He trained widely in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East on topics such as Software Engineering, Information Systems, Training of Trainers & Innovation Management and Strategy. He has had experience working with several UK universities in different full-time roles for many years and has won research funding from agencies like the UK EPSRC, EU, AUC and USAid, and served as an STDF chief innovation adviser & project selection committee member.

Public Speaking Skills

Trainer: El-Fouly, Mohamed Prof. Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Post Docs

Duration: Two Days (15. & 16.12.2019 from 09:00 to 16:00)


  • What is a proposal and why it is important to write proposals
  • Differences between different  kinds of research proposals
  • Main contents of research proposal
  • What is the difference between activities, outputs, outcomes and objective (impact) of a project
  • Choosing and developing the idea of a project
  • How to plan the writing of the proposal
  • Writing skills
  • Logical frame
  • Calculating costs of the proposal
  • Evaluation of the proposal


The participants shall be able to deal with the needs of the different organizations, which requires proposals for scientific work such as scholarships for ph.D, Fellowships and competitive proposals to acquire funds for research.
Acquire the needed skills to train other candidates and give guidelines to write good proposals for each case.


Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Fouly is professor at the National Research Centre and a DAAD and A.v. Humboldt Alumni.

Scientific Writing Structure and Logic

Trainer: Taha, Mohamed Mr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours)

Module Code: R-06


This module aims at introducing the basic scientific and academic writing skills to researchers and academics. It presents the general principles of clear, persuasive, and logical writing. It deals with simple tips for clarity and brevity in writing. It presents some tips to avoid the trap of plagiarism through application of different techniques of paraphrasing and synthesis. It provides a support for editing and for proof reading manuscripts.


  • Apply techniques of summary & paraphrasing
  • Apply techniques of syntheses
  • Apply 5 techniques of clear writing
  • Apply logical ways to write an Abstract
  • Apply 4 types of support for comprehensive writing


This module is an interactive workshop that is focusing on self improvement. Peer reflection, and communicative approach for learning.


© Mohamed Taha

Mohamed Taha has been working in the field of capacity building for more than 20 years. He is an international trainer who delivers different academic and business related training modules in GUC, DHBW in Germany, DAAD Cairo, and TU-Berlin Elgouna Campus.

Research Processes: Overview and Principles

Trainer: Jud, Andrea Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates

Duration: One Day (9:00am – 4:00pm)

Module Code: R-01


The module provides an overview over the principles of scientific work as a creative process. Drawing on the experiences of the participants, the workshop encourages to reflect on questions such as the role of the researcher and the relation between scientific theory, methods, data and analysis. The module furthermore provides concrete guidelines and tools for the successful planning and implementation of scientific research and writing projects. Topics include the standard and structure of a scientific text (including quotation, citation and bibliography), the planning and development of scientific writing projects (including time management), the search for and use of scientific secondary literature, sources and data (including reading techniques and the use of free online tools).
All topics will be discussed with the participants’ involvement and the aspects learnt will be put into practice through group work and role play.


The workshop aims to enhance the participants’ knowledge and skills on how to plan and execute scientific projects, including

  • how to formulate research questions
  • how to search and use secondary literature
  • how to chose appropriate methods
  • how to identity, collect and organize scientific sources and data
  • how to compose a scientific text


Necessary tools:

  • Data show + laptop
  • Flip-chart + paper sheets
  • Pin board + cards
  • White board + colored markers


© Andrea Jud

Andrea Jud works at the Orient-Institut Beirut Cairo Office and is a PhD candidate in Media and Communication Studies at the Free University Berlin.

Presentation Skills

Trainer: El-Fouly, Mohamed Prof. Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Post Docs

Duration: One Day (09:00-16:00)

Module Code: R-04


  • Selection of research topic
  • Research problem
  • Research question / hypothesis
  • Research objectives / impact
  • Research design / methodology
  • Dissemination of research results
  • Time frame / Gantt chart / Log frame


Distinguish between research activities, outputs, outcomes and objectives
Identify attractive objective, clear and self explanatory title for the research proposal
Adjust the research activities to the time frame
Apply knowledge about how to design a good research proposal


Training Methods:

  • Presentations
  • Group work
  • Discussions
  • Interactive Sessions


Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Fouly is professor at the National Research Centre and a DAAD and A.v. Humboldt Alumni.

Scholarly Collaboration

Trainer: Bali, Maha Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-04


In this module, participants will identify opportunities to collaborate with other scholars, and explore approaches to finding and targeting potential collaborators. Participants will reflect on their own strengths and areas in which collaboration can support their work further, and examine different approaches to finding collaborators and initiating productive collaborations locally and internationally, in person or digitally. The workshop will also cover approaches and tools for supporting collaborative scholarship.


  • Analyze their own strengths, and ways they can contribute to collaborative scholarship
  • Analyze areas in their own field where collaboration would be beneficial, and which kinds – justify areas in their own practice where collaboration has greatest potential
  • Evaluate different approaches to finding and targeting potential collaborators and identify most appropriate for their own needs and contexts


Training Methods:

  • Presentations
  • Group work & case studies
  • Discussions & interactive sessions

Needed Material:

  • Data Show
  • Laptop
  • Flipchart + paper
  • Soft Board
  • Flash Cards
  • Pins
  • Blank Papers
  • Pens
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scotch Tape


© Maha Bali

Maha Bali is Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo (AUC). She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Sheffield, UK.

Effective Cooperation in Teams

Trainer: El-Tobgui, Mona Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9:00am – 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-07


The Research Project Management Module is designed to help the participants develop the necessary skills to perform their duties effectively. It will include topics related to project and time management such as:

  • What is a project; what needs to be taken into account in conducting the project
  • How to structure and plan the project and how to set milestones
  • How to set time and financial plan
  • How to control and guide a project
  • How to organise the working relationship with the supervisors and project partners
  • How to document the project
  • Discussion of specific questions relating to methods and collaboration, with reference to issues arising out of participants’ own projects


  • Apply project management skills in their research projects and similar undertakings like doctoral thesis or assignments.
  • Apply methods and tools in research projects to ensure quality.
  • Structure, plan, guide and document projects in a practical meaningful way.
  • Have a guide for constructive collaboration in research projects.
  • Handle the administration and finances of research grants
  • Develop strategies for the application of research results
  • Evaluate research processes
  • Document and present research results to the public


To be effective the training tools will be appropriate to the learning situation and needs and knowledge level of the individual groups. The assessment prior to the training is important to tailor the module accordingly.


© El Tobgui

Mona Mohamed El Tobgui is an assistant Professor at the National Research Centre and the Senior Advisor of Fraunhofer in Egypt.

Problem Solving and Team Work Enhancement

Trainer: Taha, Mohamed Mr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (09:00-16:00)

Module Code: ID-02


Some types of problems emerge due to lack of unified knowledge about problem solving techniques/ methodologies that can be used effectively in the workplace. Other types emerge from the absence of the essence/basics of the team work among working groups. This module focuses on finding some suitable problem solving techniques/methodologies that is easy to be used by everyone in the work place while enjoying, practicing, valuing, and boasting team work activities. Trainees will use problem solving techniques as a medium for team communication and team integration.


  • Apply the 9-step methodology for problem solving
  • Get introduced to 2 or more problem solving techniques from the business applications
  • Distinguish among observations, facts, opinions, inferences, and assumptions for communication and problem solving process in work place.
  • Analyze information gathered in a situation to confirm or reject a given hypothesis in a daily work place problem
  • Get introduced to the needed foundations of team dynamics
  • Use effective assertive communication tools to enhance team dynamic
  • Use different decision making & problem solving techniques among diversified team members
  • Learn to use effective communication tools with common problematic team attitudes
  • Use techniques of delegation and empowerment within teams


U-shape class room, Data show, laptop, flip-chart & White board


© Mohamed Taha

Mohamed Taha has been working in the field of capacity building for more than 20 years. He is an international trainer who delivers different academic and business related training modules in GUC, DHBW in Germany, DAAD Cairo, and TU-Berlin Elgouna Campus.


Managing Innovation in Academia

Trainer: Galal-Edeen, Galal H. Prof. Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-05


  • The essential nature of innovation.
  • Critical success factors for making innovation happen.
  • Connecting students & staff with society: internships and alumni.
  • Background research and innovation problem framing.
  • Policy and Strategy aspects of managing innovation in academia.
  • Enabling innovation: setting up your ecosystem.


  • Explain the difference between innovation and invention.
  • Identify the critical aspects of a healthy innovation ecosystem within a research/ teaching establishment.
  • Appreciate the role of thorough problem analysis and background research.
  • Appreciate the criticality of setting up multiple connections and multi-disciplinarily.
  • Value the importance of setting up proper policy and strategies for innovation.


Training methods include:

Presentations; Group work & planning exercises; Discussions & interactive sessions.


Prof. Galal Hassan Galal-Edeen is a professor of Information Systems Engineering and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Computing, Cairo University, and is the holder of Cairo University Chair on Innovation.

Institutional Development

Effective Communication in Teams

Trainer: El-Tobgui, Mona Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours)

Module Code: ID-08


Objectives: This course is an introduction to networking. It will shed light on the meaning of networking and the tools required for successful networking.

During the course the trainees will be working in groups and interactively to acquire knowledge about:

  • The meaning and importance of networking
  • The different types of networks
  • How to evaluate the different networks
  • How to benefit from participating in a network
  • How to create an own network and promote for it


  • Explain the culture of networking and its principles
  • Acknowledge the importance of networking and appreciate networks
  • Identify and evaluate networks
  • Master some tools to support and/or create networks


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more
  • Self reflection and application on business side


© El Tobgui

Mona Mohamed El Tobgui is an assistant Professor at the National Research Centre and the Senior Advisor of Fraunhofer in Egypt.

Gender Mainstreaming in Academia

Trainer: Bahi, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-09


Gender Mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for promoting gender equality. Gender mainstreaming in academia involves ensuring that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equality are central to all activities of teaching, research and university administration. Gender mainstreaming is a strategy to ensure that diversity is fundamentally incorporated in all of university’s practices and procedures. The workshop promotes an understanding of gender and why gender mainstreaming is necessary for higher education institutions. The workshop will help participants identify strategies for and outcomes of gender mainstreaming.


By the end of the module, participants will be able to:

  • Introduce gender training for attitudinal and institutional change
  • Develop gender mainstreaming policy
  • Develop gender mainstreamed academic curricula
  • Help their institution in sustaining a gender-sensitive university culture


Training Methods:

Presentation of theoretical part, exercises, open discussions, self assessment, case study, group work and action plans.


© Riham Bahi

Dr. Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

Fundraising Skills and Best Practices

Trainer: Shahin, Alaa Mr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs

Duration: One Day (10:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-03


Research institutes are generally dependent on few funding resources to support and fund their research, research-related facilities and activities. In addition, their fundraising efforts depend on personal relationships built with funding sources by one or more of their team members. In this training module, attendees will learn how to identify and mobilize a mix of funding resources to fund their research activities, needs and demands. The module will include the following:

  • Fundraising Case Statement: Golden Circle Theory
  • Fundraising Sources and Funding Motives
  • Fundraising Activities: Scout, Engage and Capture


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Increase their capacity to communicate research ideas and projects more effectively and persuasively
  • Translate their developed fundraising needs into a diversified fundraising plan
  • Increase skills and understanding of fundraising activities to secure funding sources more systematically


Group discussions, tasks in groups, groups presentation and role plays


© Alaa Shahin

Engineer Alaa has a Master Degree in Construction Management from Brighton University, United Kingdom and a Bachelor degree in Construction Engineering from the American University in Cairo.

Proposal Writing for Master and PhD (Social Sciences)

Trainer: Bahi, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Teaching Staff

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: R-03


Writing proposals for research has become increasingly essential for scholars. The workshop will discuss the essentials of proposal writing in social sciences. Proposal writing shares some basic components across fields. The workshop will address the following issues: What is the question (research problem)? What is the approach? How have others approached the issues (literature review)? Why answer this question (importance/ contribution)? How much time will it take (timeline). How much will it cost (funding)?


The participants will be introduced to the basic component s of the research proposal in a language accessible across social science disciplines.  The workshop will provide the participants with the opportunity to discuss their research proposals in writing groups. Therefore, it is advisable for participants to come with a one-page abstract of a research project they are working on or interested in developing.  The skills learned in this workshop will translate into proposal writing and research design.  Skills learned in this workshop can be applied to writing research papers, dissertations, books, projects and grants.


Training Methods:

  • Presentations; Group work & case studies; Discussions & interactive sessions
  • Data Show, Laptop, Flipchart + paper, Soft Board, Flash Cards, Pins, Blank Papers, Pens, Markers, Glue, Scotch Tape


© Riham Bahi

Dr. Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

Leading in Times of Change

Trainer: Youssef, Yasmin Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (09:00-16:00)


Many educational institutions and universities have already purchased various technology tools for e-learning purposes and didn’t gain their expected return of investment (ROI) due to the lack of knowledge of the effective implementation & assessment processes. The course supports educational leaders, HR managers, Quality administrators and IT specialists in the awareness needed to appropriately integrate ICT for an improved education quality also to enhance and update Educational leaders with the needed educational management skills to transform teaching and learning in their faculties.


  • Identify problems related to ICT integration and E- learning in higher education in general
  • Assess Technology needs for an effective ICT integration to create an environment that supports the needed change
  • Determine the main principals for an effective ICT policy plan
  • Discuss aspects of specific change of HRM in ICT integration


© Yasmin Youssef

Yasmin Youssef is a certified education & ICT expert for interactive education technology. She obtained her master’s degree in “International Education Management” from both PH-Ludwigsburg/Germany and Helwan University/Cairo and got her pedagogical teaching Diploma from Berlin in 2008.

Arbeit mit Großgruppen

Trainer: Tahoun, Riham Ass. Prof.

Language Of Instruction: Deutsch

Target Group: DozentInnen an Germanistikabteilungen

Duration: One Day (10:00-15:00)


Sa. 20.03.2021: Teil 1

Sa. 03.04.2021: Teil 2


Des einen Freud, des anderen Leid: die Arbeit mit Großgruppen. Zwar birgt sie viele Chancen, aber sie bildet für viele Lehrkräfte eine Herausforderung. Welche Voraussetzungen müssen gegeben sein, damit Gruppenarbeit im universitären Unterricht effizient erfolgt? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich einer Lehrkraft, um die Arbeit mit großen Lernergruppen zu optimieren? Dieses Modul versucht, einige Antworten zu liefern.


Sie lernen

  • die methodisch-didaktischen Prinzipien und Methoden der Lerneraktivierung zur Gestaltung der Arbeit mit Großgruppen,
  • effektive Interaktionsformen,
  • und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von digitalen Medien zur Arbeit mit Großgruppen kennen.
  • Sie können eine Lerneinheit für Ihre Zielgruppe planen und durchführen.

Organizational Remarks:

  • Laptop oder PC mit stabiler Internetverbindung
  • Teilnahme an beiden Seminartagen ist Voraussetzung für den
  • Erhalt einer Teilnahmebestätigung.


Riham Tahoun ist Assistenzprofessorin für Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Helwan und zur Zeit Abteilungsleiterin an der Faculty of Al Alsun und Applied Linguistics – King Salman International University – Sharm El-Sheikh – Ägypten.

© Riham Tahoun

Ethics in Science

Trainer: Tawfik, Tarek Sayed Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Graduate and Post graduate Students, university and institutional staff members

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)


  • Definition of Ethics in Science
  • What constitutes scientific misconduct?
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights
  • Plagiarism & how to avoid it
  • Responsibility for avoiding scientific misconduct
  • How can universities react in case of proven scientific misconduct
  • famous cases of plagiarism


To be able to maintain an ethical conduct in research, scientific writing and relation to others


Data show, white board, pens and writing cards


  • Born in Giza 28/02/1971
  • Bachelor of Egyptology from the Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University 1993
  • Masters in Egyptology from the Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University 2001
  • PhD in Egyptology from the University of Bonn Germany 2008
  • Associate Professor of Egyptology Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University 2014
  • General Director of the Grand Egyptian Museum Project from 2014 until 2019
  • Elected President of the International Association of Egyptologists 2023
  • Vice-chair of ICOM Egypt 2021
  • Member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
  • Fellow of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

DAAD DKA Special Module trainer since 2012


Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Trainer: Youssef, Yasmin Ms.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff, University Presidents, ViceChancellors, Digital Leaders, Heads of Departments, CIOs, Faculty Members in Leadership Positions

Duration: One Day (10:00-16:00)


The nature of universities and higher education is changing and will continue to change for the next decade. “Digital” no longer means only a university IT department. “Digital” now needs to play a role in every department and function. Universities today are competing globally for students, academics, funding and business opportunities. Physical universities nowadays are also competing against online competitors. They have to prepare students for the digital age, not only by delivering cutting-edge knowledge about the opportunities and challenges technology offers, but also by making students fully digitally competent for new jobs that do not even exist today. The digital age therefore demands that Higher Education Institutions adapt their teaching and learning practices. The starting point for effecting digital transformation is always the alignment of the broader business strategy with the development of digital capabilities required to drive the strategy.

In this course participants will gain an insight about:

  • Digitalization, digital transformation, and what it means to be digital
  • How digital technologies are disrupting competition and redefining industries and universities
  • Emerging trends in higher education and technologies
  • The enabling and shaping effects of technology and implications for universities
  • Digital Transformation strategies and digital capabilities
  • Leading Digital Transformation.


  • Define what digital transformation means for Higher Education
  • Discuss the technological disruptions and the competitive advantages of universities with a digital transformation plan
  • Analyze and assess the needs for the digital transformation of their universities
  • Design and discuss transformational journeys for different stakeholders
  • Develop a digital strategy
  • Support the cultural change needed for this kind of transformation
  • Identify digital transformation leadership skills


© Yasmin Youssef

Yasmin Youssef is a certified education & ICT expert for interactive education technology. She obtained her master’s degree in “International Education Management” from both PH-Ludwigsburg/Germany and Helwan University/Cairo and got her pedagogical teaching Diploma from Berlin in 2008.

Lernaktivierender Literaturunterricht

Trainer: Tahoun, Riham Ass. Prof.

Language Of Instruction: Deutsch

Target Group: Junge DozentInnen an ägyptischen und sudanesischen Germanistikabteilungen.

Duration: One Day (09:00-13:30:00)


Do. 09.09.2021: Teil 1

Do. 23.09.2021: Teil 2


Des einen Freud, des anderen Leid: Literaturunterricht. Wie kann man den Literaturunterricht lerneraktivierend und aufgabenorientiert gestalten? Welche Funktion haben literarische Texte? Welche didaktischen Wege gibt es für die Arbeit mit literarischen Texten? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich einer Lehrkraft, um die Arbeit mit literarischen Texten zu optimieren? Dieses Modul versucht, einige Antworten zu liefern.


Sie lernen

  1. die Kompetenzbereiche im Literaturunterricht.
  2. die Phasen für die Arbeit mit literarischen Texten.
  3. handlungs- bzw. projektorientierter Literaturunterricht.
  4. Einsatz von digitalen Tools im Literaturunterricht.

Am Ende des Moduls können Sie die Arbeit mit einem literarischen Text planen und durchführen.

Organizational remarks:

  • Laptop oder PC mit stabiler Internetverbindung
  • Teilnahme an beiden Seminartagen ist Voraussetzung für den
  • Erhalt einer Teilnahmebestätigung.


Riham Tahoun ist Assistenzprofessorin für Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Helwan und zur Zeit Abteilungsleiterin an der Faculty of Al Alsun und Applied Linguistics – King Salman International University – Sharm El-Sheikh – Ägypten.

© Riham Tahoun

Constructive Assessment for Learning

Trainer: Bahi, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Teaching Staff

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: T-02


Assessment is indispensable in bringing about student development and overall improvement in their performance. In the absence of adequate assessment, good performance is not recognized and problems with regard to academic competence go uncorrected.

Assessment can sometimes be challenging to even the most experienced instructor.

Therefore, this workshop aims at enhancing assessment skills by introducing the following topics: deep versus surface learning, designing learning outcomes, principles of curriculum design, learning styles, learning cycles, bloom’s taxonomy, SOLO taxonomy, formative vs summative assessment, new trends in assessment.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and apply key concepts and principles in teaching and learning in higher education, including constructive alignment, learning outcomes, curriculum design, learning styles, assessment for learning and learning skills for students
  • Create a course with learning outcome, assessment methods, content, and modes of delivery


  • Theoretical input through Power Point presentation and hand-outs
  • Brainstorming, group discussions, tasks in groups, role play


© Riham Bahi

Dr. Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.


Leading Teams

Trainer: Taha, Mohamed Mr., El-Fouly, Mohamed Prof. Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: Master Students, PhD Candidates

Duration: 1 Day (6 + 1 hours / 9am-4pm)

Module Code: R-02


This course introduces the principles of scientific proposal writing techniques. Candidates learn how to locate relevant, reliable and recent sources in an academic way. They identify research questions. They academically synthesize, record, and organize findings out of pilot studies and out of literature review work as well. They read, analyze and critique examples of different scientific research studies based on the research questions asked and the methodology used. They learn how to choose the research design and how to take methodological decisions concerning their proposals.


  • Narrow down the topic of given research
  • Identify & Evaluate relevant sources for the research using both the library and the internet
  • Cite sources using an appropriate academic format
  • Synthesize & organize the different parts of a given proposal Academically
  • Define & formulate the research problem
  • Define the constructs and the variables of the proposed study
  • Take methodological decisions regarding research design based on research questions/ hypothesis without breaching the code of ethics
  • Adopt, adapt, or design an instrument for data collection
  • Take data analysis decisions based on the research design


Training Methods:

  • Theoretical inputs and Presentations
  • Practice through open class and group discussions, interactive sessions, case studies, role playing and more
  • Self reflection and application on business side

Necessary tools:

Data show, laptop, flipchart, soft board, flash cards, pins, blank papers, pens, markers, glue, scotch tape


© Mohamed Taha

Mohamed Taha has been working in the field of capacity building for more than 20 years. He is an international trainer who delivers different academic and business related training modules in GUC, DHBW in Germany, DAAD Cairo, and TU-Berlin Elgouna Campus.






Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Fouly is professor at the National Research Centre and a DAAD and A.v. Humboldt Alumni.

Capacity Development for Internationalization

Trainer: Bahi, Riham Dr.

Language Of Instruction: English

Target Group: PhD Candidates, Post Docs, Team Leaders

Duration: One Day (9:00am- 4:00pm)

Module Code: ID-01


Internationalization in academic trends is part of the reality of the 21st century. Internationalization includes the policies and practices undertaken by academic systems and institutions — and even individuals—to cope with the global academic environment. The motivations for internationalization include commercial advantage, knowledge and language acquisition, enhancing the curriculum with international content, and many others. Specific initiatives such as branch campuses, cross-border collaborative arrangements, programs for international students, establishing English-medium programs and degrees, and others have been put into place as part of internationalization. Participants in this workshop will be introduced to the important topic of internationalization in higher education. The workshop will cover topics such as: capacity development in receiving international students; the intercultural Dimension of international education; standards of good practices in international education; how to help international students get the most out of their experience in Egypt; the conduct of proper orientation for international students.  The workshop also explores other aspects of international cooperation and initiatives such as joint programs and degrees.


By the end of the course the participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the important of internationalization of higher education
  • Understand the concept of student-centred education
  • Gain awareness of the difference between the academic culture in Germany and in Egypt
  • Be introduced to best practices to meet the needs of international students


Training methods:
Group work, discussions and brain storming


© Riham Bahi

Dr. Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

Wissenschaftlich formulieren - richtig zitieren

Trainer: Prof. Dr. Nahla Tawfik

Language Of Instruction: Deutsch

Target Group:   Nachwuchsgermanisten (Magistranden) in Ägypten und Sudan

Duration: One Day (09:00-15:00)


Sa. 19.03.2021: Teil 1

Sa. 20.03.2021: Teil 2


Erster Tag: Wissenschaftlich formulieren

•   Konventionen wissenschaftlichen Stils (Sachlichkeits- und Abstraktionsgebot, Verständlichkeit, Klarheit)

•   Sprachliche Strukturen wissenschaftlicher Texte (Passiv, Passiversatz, Funktionsverbgefüge, Nominalisierung, Partizipialkonstruktionen, Zeitformen usw.)

•   Häufige Fehler

•   Übungen


Zweiter Tag: Richtig zitieren

•   Was wird zitiert? Warum?

•   Wie wird zitiert? (Monografien, Sammelbände, Zeitschriftenaufsätze, Internetquellen, Interviews, unveröffentlichte Quellen usw.)

•   Was sind Plagiate? Wie sind sie zu vermeiden?

•   Häufige Fehler

•   Übungen


Nach dem Workshop sollen die Teilnehmer Folgendes können:

  1. die Konventionen wissenschaftlichen Stils kennenlernen;
  2. Sprachliche Strukturen wissenschaftlicher Sprache identifizieren und richtig anwenden;
  3. inhaltlich und formal richtig zitieren;
  4. Quellen korrekt angeben;
  5. Häufige Fehler vermeiden.

Organizational Remarks:

  • Workshop

Information about the trainer:

Professorin an der Germanistischen Abteilung der Sprachenfakultät Al-Alsun der ASU